Hire and Inspire Advocates

Young concentrated woman working at night using laptop computer and typing message

Your employees are often the first impression potential clients have of your company, and they’re the ones who can be the best advocates for your products or services. So how do you attract passionate, skilled employees? And how do you then nurture them to be your company’s strongest advocates?

Attract the Right Talent

For most employees, a job is more than just a paycheck. It’s a place that provides community, culture, and sense of purpose. That’s why successful companies market more than just their products or services—they market themselves.

Using a video is a great way to attract or recruit new talent. It can:

  • Boost your brand
  • Include employee testimonials about why they enjoy working for your company
  • Highlight the unique benefits at your company
  • Define the qualities you look for in your staff
  • Showcase a successful project or new projects in the works

Onboard or Overboard?

You’ve found the right candidate. They’ve accepted your offer. But that’s not the end of the story. So how do you ensure new employees don’t feel confused or alienated, or get overwhelmed with information?  By continuously providing them with resources, information, training, and support they need to feel part of the team and empowered to perform at their peak.

Training Videos and eLearning

Onboarding is more than just filling out a W2. Whether it’s learning how to operate machinery or understanding HR policies, there’s a lot new hires need to know. Training videos and elearning are two ways they can learn about your company and their role in creating success.

With training videos, you can:

  • Standardize the learning process
  • Educate viewers on soft skills like diversity training and other HR policies
  • Outline the steps to hard skills, such as training on your processes or certifications
  • Create repeatability and training-cost efficiencies
  • Establish consistency of message for every new hire

eLearning helps new employees avoid information overload.  It can:

  • Provide actionable information for all types of roles and departments
  • Evaluate and test their understanding of the training
  • Provide 24/7 accessibility to information
  • Enable content to be update as needed
  • Eliminate travel for trainers or learners

Sales Enablement Apps

Whether you have a sales team of 3 or 300, every rep needs to be an expert from Day 1. With sales enablement apps, new reps have the tools and support they need to immediately get up to speed on your products and services. A well-designed interactive tool will help train your reps to perform in the field and put the company’s best foot forward.

Sales enablement apps can:

  • Include talk-tracks to coach your reps on the brand message
  • Access information and fulfill new reps’ needs to quickly answer customer questions
  • Easily update with the latest information
  • Function fully offline without an internet connection

Visit the our portfolio page to see what other types of work we do, or go to LearningP2P to learn more about our eLearning work.